Thursday, May 21, 2009


I'm blessed to be able to tutor Tobi in Math on Mondays and Wednesdays. Tobi is very special to me. He was a part of my third grade class two years ago and brightens up every day I see him. Tobi also has Aspergers.

Yesterday we had a very interesting conversation. It went something like this:

Tobi: "Why don't animals have souls?"

Me: "Because that's the way God made them."

Tobi: "But why? I don't think that's fair."

Me: "Really?"

Tobi: "Then they can't go to God. That's sad."

Me: "That's the way God made them."

Tobi: "That's not fair."

Me: "Tobi, do you think God is good?"

Tobi: "Yes."

Me: "Do you think God is perfect?"

Tobi: "Oh, yes. He's God!"

Me: "So don't you think He made things perfectly?"

Tobi: "Well, I still don't think it's fair."

Me: "Tobi, do you think you know better than God?!"

Tobi: *horrified look* "Oh, no, ma'am."

Me: "Don't you think we can trust God to do the best thing?"

Tobi: *thinks for a minute* "I don't understand, but God is perfect, so it must be all right."

Ah, if only I would remember to answer that way: "I don't understand, but God is perfect, so it must be all right.

Praise the Lord for these little ones who so often, and sometimes unknowingly, offer so much wisdom.


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